The soundtrack for Bane Of The Talebearer consists of 73 pieces of music that all differ in size, scope, sound and feel to fit the specific scenes and events represented by them. The tracklist below is not yet finalized, but gives an impression of how the music can be spread out over multiple audio CD’s.

CD 1

1: The Road Goes On Forever (Overture)
2: Another Round (For all you bastards)
3: Ghost Writer
4: Huntress Of The Forest
5: They who heal the world
6: A Glamorous Facade
7: City Between Life And Death
8: Ever Watchful
9: Shall We Dance, Milady?
10: Spotted / Chased
11: When Diplomacy Fails
12: One-Eyed Brute
13: Serenity Next Door
14: Leo’s Memories
15: Just Here To Follow Orders
16: Smell of the Pack
17: Heart of Gold, Brain of Iron, Claws of Steel
18: Stretching Horizons
19: Sure is a lot of fish hereโ€ฆ
20: The Key: Repetition
21: The Struggle that lingers
22: Hymn to Freedom
23: Suffering is what drives me
24: Search the alleyways! Break down the doors!
25: The Black Falcon Mirage

CD 2

26: On Your Guard!
27: Humble Beginnings
28: Mountains Filled With Mystery
29: It’s a bit dark, but it’s home
30: The Witches’ Marsh
31: A Familiar Face
32: Time Crawls By
33: The Recieving End Of The Show
34: My Kind of World
35: A Place I Used To Know So Well
36: Insanity Incarnate
37: Touch Them: and die!
38: The Jewel Of The East – Towers of Platinum & Gold
39: Scheming and Spying As We Do
40: Our Own Sacred Place
41: Topsy Turvy Tower
42: Some water, a boat and some fish. That’s all I need.
43: Ballad of the Flaming Mermaid
44: The failure of One. The fall of all
45: The floating forest
46: And thus, we beheld death
47: Not here anymore
48: Ends justifying means
49: The halls of Yurana
50: Call of the Elderstar
51: Zundara’s March

CD 3

52: It All Made Sense After All
53: And thus, we beheld a new day
54: Our Dreams Floating On The Waves
55: Into The Storm
56: Where Marble Meets The Ocean
57: Imprisoned In Grace Itself
58: Unexpected Saviour
59: A Prince In Peril
60: Sandstorms And Battle Cries
61: Father And Son Reunited
62: An Oasis of Muscles And Comradery
63: Happiness Short Lived
64: Defying Insanity
65: In Your Honor
66: The Air Smelt of Death
67: Our Dark Connection
68: And Now: We Die Together!
69: The Greatest Tale Ever Told
70: The Aftermath
71: The Great Communicator
72: Long Live The King!
73: Encore! Encore!
74: Remembrance