Album Crowdfunding Score (updated manually):

577 / 3000

Legendary donators so far:
Martijn Weyburg, Beate Seuser, Stephanie “Kutasarri” Good, Marcel “PPe Daddy” Slaman, Rosalie Sijpkens, Gert Karrenbeld, Hans Vijge, Jaap Schuddeboom, Rachel Smith, Robert Popovic, Mirjam Dijksterhuis, Ron Brouwer

You have reached the Bane Of The Talebearer webstore! This page serves two purposes, as it will be the main place to get merchandise for this project, but also serves as the main portal to support the Crowdfunding Campaign to fund the pressing & creation of the Soundtrack that started this project in the first place.

For more information about the crowdfunding terms and conditions, please check out this page here

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