It is an age of change in the world of Rezalah. The once delicate balance of life and magic has been disturbed by a multitude of dark events, tipping the world’s odds in the favor of humankind. As the world tries to find this new balance, a conflict is brewing amidst the many races of the world that is only spoken of in hushed voices.

One story however, seems to be universally known and referenced the most.

Tales speak of a magical tome, only known as The Storybook which ties together the fate of all living things. Within this book, the life stories of all living creatures all over the world are stored. This tome serves as the very essence of existence. The book has been passed on ever since the dawn of time and was always held by a guardian known as “the Talebearer”. And as long as the Talebearers protected this book, the world would be in balance as it should be. The Talebearer has taken many forms over the years and many different talebearers all had their own tenure as the storybook’s protector through the ages.

This Storybook, connected with the essence of magic guarded by the Unaheh water tribe and the Elderstar Stone protected by the Elven tribe of Yurana, forms the trinity that keeps this world in balance and existing as it should.

But a dark force has been stirring behind the walls of mankind…

A frightening covenant known as the The Brotherhood Of Erafta has taken it upon themselves to gain control over this trinity, to create a new balance of power in Rezalah. A balance of power that would allow them to rewrite history and use the earth shaping magic to their own bidding. This brotherhood sees the world as their object to mold and own. And with their self-proclaimed divine right take whatever is needed to achieve complete world domination.

Mad with power, the brotherhood travels the lands and either enslaves, kills or mentally manipulates entire races into joining their divine quest. Due to their insidious ways, these men have made pacts with the Unaheh water tribe, manipulating them for their own gain. But if cooperation is not an option, they would often resort to violence. With the prime example being the forceful takeover of the Elven settlement of Yurana. Humiliating and enslaving the elves one at a time, only to take control of the sanctuary of the Elderstar Stone

But the final piece of their puzzle… The Storybook, is nowhere to be found… But sometimes, the most precious of things can be held by unlikely heroes.

Enter a young Lyonere named Leo, the last of his kind. A silent and strong character that carries an old dusty book… A book filled with stories, that he knows he must protect with his life. Leo travels the world in secrecy. Living off the land and trying to go unnoticed by prying human eyes. For he knows that his Lyonere origins, go against everything that the humans and especially the brotherhood stand for. For it was the brotherhood of Erafta that declared the race of the Lyonere to be too dangerous to stay alive… And thus, in an event the brotherhood describes as “The Glorious Cleansing”, the Lyonere lineage and race was wiped from Rezalah… Every last Lyonere was destroyed in a systematic act of genocide.

Every Lyonere… except one…

Leo is aware of his predicament and makes it his life work to travel around the world and taking in stories from every creature he engages with. Filling the storybook with tales of hope, perseverance, victory and beauty. He knows that it is his task to keep the magical fabric of this world intact and that he is the only one who can do so. Leo is a solitary creature. Soft spoken. Silent. Travelling by night, resting by day in the shadows. A solitary existence which he accepts as his burden to bear.

However, even with as many races as Rezalah is inhabited by, the stories start running out… And Leo realizes that he cannot run away from the humans forever… As their stories are also a part of the greater fabric and balance of the world. So Leo sets out to the great northern city kingdom of Ran-Dena with his heart beating frantically. Being well aware that blending in, in the biggest city (considering its diverse populace) would probably be his best bet. But still, the fear of being caught overwhelms him…

It is in the slums of the city of Ran-Dena, on a grimy night, that Leo enters a dingy bar in an alley and runs into three characters that will change his life and the course of Rezalah forever…