Errin - The Huntress


Title: The Huntress
Estimated Age: 1500
Race: Elf
Length: 5 ft 5 (1,70m)
Likes: Adventuring, Hunting, Fresh air
Dislikes: Formalities, Traditions, Talking too much

Combat specs:
Archery (using different elemental arrows) and dagger based close combat

Errin is a fiery, strong and energetic person who lives a life filled with thrills and adventures. Always searching for a new target to hunt and always open for crazy shenanigans when they pop up. At a (for Elves relatively) young age, she was found by the wolves of the Razor Claw Wolf tribe after she was banished from the elven settlement of Yurana.

Errin was banished from this village due to a cataclysmic turn of events that will be touched upon in the story. The day she arrived at the wolftribe, she found her home among the rowdy and rough wolves and the hunts that fill their days.

Errin is a slender yet sturdy young lady. Very nimble and muscular, but the muscles are not directly visible on first sight. Has a very unique charm and would be considered very attractive by human standards, but she rather wants to be feared and respected than loved. Her outfit colors are mostly brown & red-ish tones against a rather pale complexion with scars and cuts from her adventures. Errin uses her trusty bow and arrows as her main weapon next to a set of daggers that she can use for Melee attacks.

She is often the impatient and abbrasive one in situations who would rather pick a fight or move along instead of thinking about the consequences or making plans. She can be very blunt and sometimes even a bit mean, but she does never means anything malicious. She is just a bit… socially clumsy at times.

“I was always restless until I found my tribe…
Within the hunt I found purpose. Within the hunt I found… Home.”

Errin is voiced in this project by Pipi Gogerl

Pipi Gogerl - Voice of Errin