Leo - The Last Lyonere


Title: The Last Lyonere
(Estimated) Age: 30
Race: Lyonere
Length: 7 ft 8 (2,40m)
Likes: Solitude, Climbing trees, Listening to stories
Dislikes: Large crowds, Humans, Being the center of attention

Combat specs:
Melee combat with claws. basic swordmanship and something secret…

Leo is a mysterious, introverted character who travels the world of Rezalah by himself. He is the last of The Lyonere kind and is used to being constantly on the run to not be found by humans. This has to do with the fact that the Brotherhood of Erafta has sworn to remove ‘the Lyonere threat’ from the world and they believe they have succeeded in doing so…

Sporting a dark grey fur with brown/red manes. Towering above most creatures with a big muscular physique. He has a scar over his right eye. He is mostly dressed in dark blue colors. Wearing a stained yet gentlemanly looking vest and patched up pants. Finishing his outfit is a torn, old cloak, that can hide his face if need be.

Leo carries an artifact called, The Story Book, which is a magical item that is connected to the essence of magic and which is fundamentally tied to his soul. Next to this, he carries a sword that he took from the Brotherhood of Erafta on the day his human caretakers were murdered by them. In melee battles however, he prefers to use his claws for protection.

He is a soft spoken individual who’d rather solve problems by action instead of words. He prefers to stay in the background. Due to his traumatic past he seems closed off and apathetic to most outsiders, but behind that facade lies a very caring and strong individual that will do what is right if needed.

“The only true passing one should worry about, is the passing that follows when one’s existence is forgotten”

Leo is voiced in this project by Tom de Wit

Tom de Wit - The Creator & voice of Leo